One hundred swimming lessons. One hundred, and still she could not comfortably put her head under water let alone swim. Lessons at the local rec center just did not do the job for us. When we tried one more time last summer, our boy was pulled under water by a teenage instructor with no warning whatsoever. He was afraid of the pool for the rest of the summer months. I had known about survival swimming for at least a year. A friend told me about it, and she was very positive. I watched videos online and did the math on cost and time investment. How would we be able to…
Storm at 9000 feet
The wind is howling around us, shaking the trailer and banging branches on our roof. The kids have found their ways into our bed and even I sometimes duck down under the sheets.
Here we are, ready to go. Go where?
Antoine and I have always loved traveling. Not with a suitcase from hotel to hotel, neither relaxing on one of the beaches of Hawaii (although I would not be opposed to that one). We love traveling as in the true meaning of the word: making a journey. We have done that by car, in a canoe, but mostly on a bicycle. Just packing our panniers, picking a route on a map and hitting the road. Sometimes we were gone for 5 days, at times over a year. That was in our previous life. The life we were living before we chose a new way to direct our energy. Life before…